Monitoring AIX



Virtual Memory Management Stats but also includes CPU and other useful stuff

Syntax vmstat <seconds> <count>
Options seconds Time between outputs
count number of outputs
Examples vmstat 10 20 20 lines output with 10 seconds between each
Output Warning: ignore the first line (average since reboot)
r number of processes on run queue
b number of processes on blocked queue = awaiting resources or I/O
avm active virtual memory pages in page space
fre real memory pages on the free list
re Page reclaims, free but claimed before reused
pi paged in (per second)
po paged out (per second)
fr pages freed (page replacement) (per second)
sr pages per second scanned for replacement
cy complete scans of page table
in device interrupts per second
sy system calls per second
cs CPU context switches per second
us User CPU time percentage
sys System CPU time percentage
id CPU idle percentage (nothing to do)
wa CPU waiting for pending local Disk i/o


Disk I/O statistics

Syntax iostat <seconds> <count>
Options seconds Time between outputs
count number of outputs
Examples iostat 10 20 20 lines output with 10 seconds between each
Output Warning: ignore the first line (average since reboot)
%tm_act Percentage of time active
Kbps K bytes per second transferred
tps Transfers per second
msps Millisecond per seek (if available)
Kb_read Total K bytes read ( likewise for write)


Process State

Syntax ps -l -f -e -uuser -t ttyno -p pid -k -o xxx
ps aux
Options -l long listing
-f full listing
-u user list only user's processes (-u fred)
-e every user's processes
-t ttyno processes attached to tty (-t 03)
-p pid list the process number N
-k Include kernel processes (normally hiden)
-o xxx Lets you decide the column for example: -o tid,pid,user,class,pcou,pmem,args
aux BSD flavour (note no -)
Examples ps -f List your shells (sub) processes in detail
ps -f oracle List all processes for user oracle
ps -ef List all process
ps -el As above but other details
ps -fp 23456 Just list process 23456
ps -o tid,pid,args List threadID, processID and arguments
Output PID/PPID Process IDentity&Parent Process IDentity
S State= Running Sleeping Waiting Zombie Terminating Kernel Intermediate X=growing
UID/USER User IDentity/User name
C CPU recent use value (part of priority)
STIME Start time of process
PRI Priority (higher means less priority)
NI NIce value (part of priority) default 20
ADDR ADDRess, of stack ( segment no)
SZ SiZe of process in 1K pages
CMD COMmanD the user typed (-f for more)
WCHAN Event awaited for (kernel address)
TTY Terminal processes in connected to (- = none)
TIME Minutes and Seconds of CPU time
SSIZ Size of kernel stack
PGIN number of pages paged in
SIZE Virtual size of data section in 1K's
RSS Real memory (resident set) size of process 1K's
LIM Soft limit on memory (see setrlimit) xx=none
TSIZ Size of text (shared text program) image
TRS Size of resident set (real memory) of test
%CPU Percentage of CPU used since started
%MEM Percentage of real memory used


Network File Systems Stats

Syntax nfsstat -m -z
Options -m Display NFS mount point stats
-z Zeros NFS stats
Examples nfsstat Display all NFS stats
nfsstat -m Display stats about the mount points
Output Too many columns to cover here but labels are helpful if you know NFS


Network statistics

Syntax netstat -i -n -r -p -m
Examples netstat -in Interface stats
netstat -rn Routing stats
netstat -p tcp Protocol stats (also try ip, cmp, igmp, udp
netstat -m Memory buffer stats used for packets inside AIX
netstat -D Packets receiver, transmitted and dropped) stats


Workload Manager Stats

Syntax wlmstat -c -m -b -S -v [seconds [count]]
Options -b -c -m List only c=cpu m=memory -b=disks (yes b, not d)
-S List Super Class level only
-v Verbose outout (more detailed)
seconds Time bewteen output
count number of outputs
Examples wlmstat 3 100 Basic stats every 3 seconds for 100 times
wlmstat -v 60 Full details once a minute for ever
wlmstat -Sv 9 As above but Superclass only and every 9 seconds
Output Class Name of the Class
CPU,MEM,DKIO Percentages
tr Tier number of class
i Inheritance 0=no 1=yes
#pr number of processes in class
sha Shares (- = -1)
min Minimum Limit as a percentage
smx Soft maximum limit as a percentage
hmx Hard maximum limit as a percentage
des Desired percentage calculated by WLM
npg number of memory pages in class

Hint Try to have nothing in the Default Class.


Inode check

Syntax ncheck [-a][-i inodenumber...] [-s] [filesystem]
Options -a all including . and ..
-i inode find the file(s) with these inode no.
-s list special and set UID files
Examples ncheck -a / List all files in /
ncheck -i 2194 /tmp f ind name for inode 2194 in /tmp


Network (and lots more) Monitor - uses trace so only the root user and this can hit performance.

Syntax netpmon -o file -Tn -P -v -Oreport-type
Options -o outputfile put the output to file not stdout
-T n Set output buffer size (default 64000)
-P Force monitor process into pinned memory
-v Verbose (default only top 20 processes)
-O cpu, dd(device driver), so(socket), nfs, all
Examples netpmon -O all -o net.out
do network or general workload here ...
finish with: trcstop
There is lots of information gathered in one report.



File I/O monitor - uses trace so only the root user and this can hit performance.

Syntax filemon -i file -o file -d -Tn -P -v -O levels
Examples filemon -O all -o file.out
do disk I/O work load here...
finish with: trcstop
Output #MBs total number of Mbytes transfer during run
#opns number of times the file was opened
#rpgs number of 4K page reads
#wpgs number of 4K page written
#wrs number of write calls
persistent paged from file system
working paged from paging space
util percentage busy
KB/s average data transfer rate


System Virtual Memory Monitor - uses trace so only the root user and this can hit performance.

Syntax svmon -G -Pnsa pid... -Pnsa[upg][count] -S sid... -i seconds count
Options -G Global report
-P[nsa] pid.. \Process report n=non-sys s-system a=both
-S[nsa][upg][x] Segment report as above + u==real-mem p=pinned g=paging x=top x items
-S sid... Segment report on particular segments
-i secs count Repeat report at interval second & count times
-D sid... Detailed report
Examples svmon -G Global / General stats
svmon -Pa 215 Process report for process 215
svmon -Ssu 10 Top ten system segments in real memory order
svmon -D 340d Detailed report on a particular segment
Output size in pages (4096)
inuse in-use
free not in use included rmss pages
pin pinned (locked by app.)
work pages in working segments
pers pages in persistent segments
clnt pages in client segments
pg space paging space

Note: pages can be in more than one process


InterprocessComms(shared memory,queue&semaphore) stats

Syntax ipcs -a
Examples ipcs Regular report
ipcs -a Full report = more columns
Output T Type m=memory, q=queue, s=semaphore
ID, KEY What the programmer user to access the ipc
CPID, LPID Process that created/last attached
CBYTES Bytes current in message queue
QBYTES Maximum number of bytes allowed in message queue
QNUM number of messages held
NATTCH Processes attached to this shared memory
SEGSZ Size of shared memory (segment)
NSEMS Number of Semaphores


Logical Volume Stats

Syntax lvmstat -v vgname -l lvname -e -d [seconds [count]]
-v vgname Volume group to track
-l lvname Logical volume to track
-e Enable
-d Disable
seconds Between output
count Number of outputs
lvmstat -v rootvg -e Enable rootvg stats (use -d to disable later)
lvmstat -v rootvg Monitor all of volume group
lvmstat -l lv05 Monitor just one logical volume in more detail
Output iocnt number of io
Kb_read KBytes read (same for write)
Kbps Kbytes per second
mirror# Which copy of a mirror


Placement of a file in the filesystem

Syntax fileplace -l -p -v filename
Options -l Logical layout in filesystem
-p Physical layout on disk(s)
-v Verbose (good)
Example fileplace -lv /tmp/xyz Logical layout
Example fileplace -pv /db/data.idx Disk layout


Reduced Memory System Simulator

Syntax rmss -p -c <MB> -r
-p Print the current value
-c MB Change to M size (in Mbytes)
-r Restore all memory to use
-p Print the current value
Example rmss -p find out how much memory you have online
Example rmss -c 32 Change available memory to 32 Mbytes
Example rmss -r Undo the above


  • rmss can damage performance very seriously
  • Don't go below 25% od the machines memory
  • Never forget to finish with rmss -r

rmms to determine the real memory use

To test the pressure on memory

  1. Reduce memory by 5% with rmss -c MB
  2. Immediately, rmss -r so release the rmss locked memory,
  3. This memory goes on the free list and will be the next memory allocated on demand
  4. Watch free memory being used with vmstat or nmon

If it reduces in

  • seconds - the machine is probably short on memory
  • minutes - memory is about right
  • hours or days - there is spare memory, can you tune to use more memory, like increasing RDBMS disk caches or Webspace


Tracks process system calls (AIX5+)

Syntax: simple truss mycmd
Syntax: detailed truss -a -f -c -p pid -o file
Options -a Display parameters strings
-f Follow child processes
-c Counts system calls - displays when process stops
-p pid Track a running process with PID pid
-o file Output the results to a file (allows interaction cmd)
Examples truss -a -p 23456 Track process 23456
Output lots Each system call name and parameters


System activity reporter

Syntax Immediate: sar -A [-P ALL] interval number
Collect: sar -A -o savefile interval number >/dev/null
Report: sar -A -f savefile -i secs -s HH[:MM[:SS]] -e HH[:MM[:SS]]
Options -A All stats to be collected/reported
-o savefile Collect stats to binary file
-f savefile Report stats from binary file
-i secs Report at seconds interval from binary file
-s and -e Report stats only between these times
Examples sar 10 100 R eport now at 10 seconds intervals
sar -A -o fred 10 6 Collect data into fred
sar -P ALL 1 30 Show individual CPUs
sar -A -f fred Report on the data
sar -A -f x -s 10:30 -e 10:45 Report on 15 minutes from 10:30 a.m.
sar -A -f fred -i60 Report 1 min. interval -not 10 secs as collected
Column output comments
CPU %usr %sys Percent of time in user / kernel mode
%wio %idle Percent of time waiting for disk io/idle
Buffer Cache bread/s bwrit/s lread/s lwrit/s Block I/O per second Logical I/O per sec (hopefully cached
pread/s pwrit/s Raw disk I/O (not buffer cached)
%rcache %wcache Percentage hit on cache
Kernel exec/s fork/s sread/s swrite/s r/wchar/s scall/s Calls per second of these system calls sread/write system calls (cache, raw, tty or network). scall is the total system calls
msg/s sema/s IPC for messages and semaphores
kexit/s ksched/s kproc-ov/s Process exits, process switches and process-overload (hit proc thresholds)
runq-sz Avg. process on run queue
%runocc Percent. of time with process on queue
swap-sz Avg. process waiting for page in
%swap-occ Percent. of time with process on queue
cycles/s number of page replace search of all pages
faults/s number of page faults (might not need I/O)
slots number of free pages on paging spaces
odio/s number of non-paging disk I/O per second
file-ov, proc-ov number of times these table overflow per sec
file-sz inode-sz proc-sz Entries in the tables
pswch/s Process switches per second
canch/s outch/s rawch/s Characters per second on terminal lines
rcvin/s xmtin/s Receive and transmit interrupts per second


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