
  • What is the maximum support for HugePages on my system?
  • What is the maximum size HugePages that I can use?
  • Is there a limit to the HugePages size that I can use?


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
  • x86_64 architecture


  • How does the kernel interpret hugepage size?

    • The system will read the HugePage size as 2MB by default. There are only a
      few architectures that have the ability to change this (powerpc for example)
  • Does having more HugePages equal better performance?

    • The HugePage amount will be relevant to the the amount of
      memory that you want to allocate to your system to operate your oracle application.

    • The Linux kernel has support for multiple HugePage sizes and allows for use of multiple different
      sizes at the same time; however, the available sizes are dependent on the architecture.

    • The x86(_64) system size of each HugePage will be in /proc/meminfo; i.e. 2 MiB.


# grep -i hugepage /proc/meminfo

HugePages_Total:   500
HugePages_Free:    500
HugePages_Rsvd:      0
Hugepagesize:     2048 kB

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