How To Check CPU Usage On AIX Systems

How to Check CPU Usage On AIX Systems:

This post will discuss about how a system administrator can check CPU usage for AIX systems in Production environment.


1. Running Processes

Check what all application related processes are running and which all are utilizing more CPU by running the TOPAS command.

# topas

Topas command will give you the CPU usage for each process.

There are many different topas commands which system admin can use to check CPU usage.

# topas –P

2. Memory Usage

Check memory usage for each process utilizing high CPU by running the following command:

# svmon –p

This will show memory usage for each command.

3. Kill Processes not Required

Kill the processes not in use by the application team in production environment in order to reduce the CPU usage. Be very careful while killing a process, be 100% sure that the process is not being used by any team member in live environment.

Applications become slow when the disk is more than 80% busy. Same thing can be checked using the following commands:

# filemon

# nmon

# iostat

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