# pvs
-o, --options
pv_fmt,  pv_uuid, pv_size,  dev_size,  pv_free,  pv_used,  pv_name,  pv_attr, pv_pe_count, pv_pe_alloc_count, pv_tags, pvseg_start, pvseg_size, pe_start.
Columns mentioned in vgs (8) can also be chosen.

The pv_attr bits are: (a)llocat-able and e(x)ported.
Use -o help to view the full list of fields available.

# vgs

-o, --options
vg_fmt, vg_uuid, vg_name, vg_attr, vg_size, vg_free, vg_sysid, vg_extent_size, vg_extent_count, vg_free_count, max_lv, max_pv,  pv_count,  lv_count,  snap_count,  vg_seqno, vg_tags.  Any "vg_" prefixes are optional.  Columns mentioned in either pvs (8) or lvs (8) can also be chosen, but columns cannot be taken from both at the same time. 

The vg_attr bits are: (w)riteable, (r)eadonly, resi(z)eable, e(x)ported, (p)artial and (c)lustered.
Use -o help  to  view  the  full  list  of fields available.

# lvs

-o, --options
lv_uuid, lv_name, lv_attr, lv_major, lv_minor, lv_kernel_major, lv_kernel_minor, lv_size,  seg_count,  origin,  snap_percent,  copy_percent,  move_pv, lv_tags, segtype, stripes, stripesize, chunksize, seg_start, seg_size, seg_tags, devices, regionsize, mirror_log, modules.

Columns mentioned in vgs (8) can also be chosen.
Use -o help to view the full list of fields available.

The lv_attr bits are:

1  Volume type: (m)irrored, (M)irrored without initial sync, (o)rigin, (p)vmove, (s)napshot, invalid (S)napshot, (v)irtual

2  Permissions: (w)riteable, (r)ead-only

3  Allocation policy: (c)ontiguous, (n)ormal, (a)nywhere, (i)nherited This is capitalised if the volume is currently locked against allocation changes, for example during pvmove (8).

4  fixed (m)inor

5  State:  (a)ctive,  (s)uspended,  (I)nvalid  snapshot,  invalid  (S)uspended snapshot, mapped (d)evice present without tables, mapped device present with (i)nactive table

6  device (o)pen


# pvs -o help
  Logical Volume Fields
    lv_uuid           - Unique identifier
    lv_name           - Name.  LVs created for internal use are enclosed in brackets.
    lv_attr           - Various attributes - see man page.
    lv_major          - Persistent major number or -1 if not persistent.
    lv_minor          - Persistent minor number or -1 if not persistent.
    lv_kernel_major   - Currently assigned major number or -1 if LV is not active.
    lv_kernel_minor   - Currently assigned minor number or -1 if LV is not active.
    lv_size           - Size of LV in current units.
    seg_count         - Number of segments in LV.
    origin            - For snapshots, the origin device of this LV
    snap_percent      - For snapshots, the percentage full if LV is active.
    copy_percent      - For mirrors and pvmove, current percentage in-sync.
    move_pv           - For pvmove, Source PV of temporary LV created by pvmove
    lv_tags           - Tags, if any.
    mirror_log        - For mirrors, the LV holding the synchronisation log.
    modules           - Kernel device-mapper modules required for this LV.
  Physical Volume Fields
    pv_fmt            - Type of metadata.
    pv_uuid           - Unique identifier.
    pv_size           - Size of PV in current units.
    dev_size          - Size of underlying device in current units.
    pe_start          - Offset to the start of data on the underlying device.
    pv_free           - Total amount of unallocated space in current units.
    pv_used           - Total amount of allocated space in current units.
    pv_name           - Name.
    pv_attr           - Various attributes - see man page.
    pv_pe_count       - Total number of Physical Extents.
    pv_pe_alloc_count - Total number of allocated Physical Extents.
    pv_tags           - Tags, if any.
  Volume Group Fields
    vg_fmt            - Type of metadata.
    vg_uuid           - Unique identifier.
    vg_name           - Name.
    vg_attr           - Various attributes - see man page.
    vg_size           - Total size of VG in current units.
    vg_free           - Total amount of free space in current units.
    vg_sysid          - System ID indicating when and where it was created.
    vg_extent_size    - Size of Physical Extents in current units.
    vg_extent_count   - Total number of Physical Extents.
    vg_free_count     - Total number of unallocated Physical Extents.
    max_lv            - Maximum number of LVs allowed in VG or 0 if unlimited.
    max_pv            - Maximum number of PVs allowed in VG or 0 if unlimited.
    pv_count          - Number of PVs.
    lv_count          - Number of LVs.
    snap_count        - Number of snapshots.
    vg_seqno          - Revision number of internal metadata.  Incremented whenever it changes.
    vg_tags           - Tags, if any.
  Logical Volume Segment Fields
    segtype           - Type of LV segment
    stripes           - Number of stripes or mirror legs.
    stripesize        - For stripes, amount of data placed on one device before switching to the next.
    stripe_size       - For stripes, amount of data placed on one device before switching to the next.
    regionsize        - For mirrors, the unit of data copied when synchronising devices.
    region_size       - For mirrors, the unit of data copied when synchronising devices.
    chunksize         - For snapshots, the unit of data used when tracking changes.
    chunk_size        - For snapshots, the unit of data used when tracking changes.
    seg_start         - Offset within the LV to the start of the segment in current units.
    seg_size          - Size of segment in current units.
    seg_tags          - Tags, if any.
    devices           - Underlying devices used with starting extent numbers.
  Physical Volume Segment Fields
    pvseg_start       - Physical Extent number of start of segment.
    pvseg_size        - Number of extents in segment.

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