This will give you graphical representation of system load.
Also you can use it for capacity Planning.
OR simply monitoring. Easy system monitoring with SAR
Requirement Specification
Following perl module require to be installed.
Getopt::Std Time::Local Date::Calc Email::Date::Format
Following Packages from centOS / Redhat / Fedora need to be installed.
yum install -y perl-Date-Calc.x86_64 perl-Date-Calc.x86_64 rrdtool.x86_64 sysstat.x86_64 perl-MIME-Lite.noarch
Make following directory and place all script in ”/root/sar” folder.
mkdir -p /root/sar/{img,rrd,xml}
Finally add it to cron.
# SAR Stats 20 0 * * * /root/sar/ >/dev/null 2>&1
Terms Used
tps: total number of transfers/sec rtps: total number of read requests/sec wtps: total number of write requests/sec bread/s: Total amount of data read from the drive in blocks per second. A block is 512 bytes. bwrtn/s: Total amount of date written to the drive in blocks per second.
sa report
This script goes to cron.
#!/bin/bash # Developed by dtm=$(date -d 'now -1 days' +%d) sar=$(which sar) perl=$(which perl) location='/root/sar' cd $location # $sar -q -b -d -u -p -r -n DEV -f /var/log/sa/sa$dtm > sa$dtm.txt $sar -f /var/log/sa/sa$dtm > sa$dtm_1.txt $sar -r -b -q -d -n DEV -I SUM -u -f /var/log/sa/sa$dtm > sa$dtm.txt $perl -t MDY -f sa$dtm_1.txt $perl -t MDY -f sa$dtm.txt $perl img/*.png rm -f *.txt rm -f */{*.png,*.xml,*.rrd}
sar to rrd
This script “sar2rrd” available at sar2rrd
wget -O
Notify Script
This script send email with all the graph
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Modified / updated by # This script send email with attachment #use strict; use MIME::Lite; use Getopt::Std; use Net::SMTP; my $SMTP_SERVER = '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t'; my $DEFAULT_SENDER = 'k2patel@localhost.localdomain'; my $DEFAULT_RECIPIENT = ''; my $def_cc = ''; my $stamp = `date -d 'now -1 days' +%b-%d-%y`; my $hstnm = `hostname`; # process options getopts('hf:t:s:', \%o); $o{f} ||= $DEFAULT_SENDER; $o{t} ||= $DEFAULT_RECIPIENT; $o{s} ||= $stamp.' '.$hstnm.' '.' : System utilizatoin Report'; if ($o{h} or !@ARGV) { die "usage:\n\t$0 -h -f -t -s /var/log/log.txt\n"; } # construct and send email $msg = new MIME::Lite( From => $o{f}, To => $o{t}, cc => ($def_cc), Subject => $o{s}, Data => "Hi", Type => "multipart/mixed", ); while (@ARGV) { $msg->attach('Type' => 'application/octet-stream', 'Encoding' => 'base64', 'Path' => shift @ARGV); } $msg->send();
SE Linux
Following rules add exceptiong for selinux.
module sa 1.0; require { type sysstat_t; type init_t; type file_t; class lnk_file read; class fifo_file { read write ioctl }; class dir { read search getattr }; class file { read getattr execute execute_no_trans }; } #============= sysstat_t ============== allow sysstat_t file_t:dir { read search getattr }; allow sysstat_t file_t:file { read getattr execute execute_no_trans }; allow sysstat_t file_t:lnk_file read; allow sysstat_t init_t:fifo_file { read write ioctl };
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