RHEV guests hanging and crashing
- Windows XP machines fall into a BSOD, totally freeze or crash if the virtio-serial port is overloaded
- Randomly, all of the RHEV guests on a host are freezing
- Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV) 3.0, 3.1, 3.2
- Guest: Windows with virtio-win-1.6.4-1.el6_4 (or earlier) or rhev-guest-tools-iso-3.1-12 (and earlier) or rhev-guest-tools-iso-3.2-8
- Update to virtio-win-1.6.5-5.el6_4 or later (more details here)
- Note: The issue described here may also happen simultaneously across all Windows guests running on a particular RHEV host due to an issue with vdsm where the "VM channel listener" thread dies (knowledge solution # 389733). Because the listener thread connects to the virtio-serial device to report VM statistics back to the RHEV-M, when it dies, it freezes all of the guests on the affected host(s).